- Avoid any blood thinning medications for 5 days before treatment (Aspirin, Advil, Motrin, Ibuprofen, Aleve, Excedrin, Fish Oil, Ginkgo Biloba, ect).
- Avoid alcohol for at least 72 hours prior to treatment.
- You can take arnica tablets for three days in advance to prevent bruising and swelling.
- Arrive at your appointment wearing no makeup.
- No dental procedures including dental cleaning 2 weeks prior to filler procedure
- Bruising: Bruising is the most commonly reported post treatment concern. Bruising can be unpredictable and can be very noticeable. Bruising can last for 2-14 days. Treatment for bruising includes the following:
- Ice for the first 24 hours, 20 minutes on and off.
- Warm compresses after 24 hours, 20 minutes on then off.
- Arnica is an oral and topical homeopathic medicine. Oral medication is to be taken as directed. Topical can be applied 3 times daily, or as needed to the injected area. Arnica cream is for bruising and the prevention of long term bruising of staining. It is highly recommended for tear trough injections or any person that may bruise easily.
- Swelling: Swelling occurs commonly and the treatment for swelling is as follows:
- Ice for 20 minutes on and then off until swelling is improved, usually within 2-3 days for lower face injections.
- Tear trough injections usually have 2-14 days of swelling.
- Advil or Tylenol can be taken for any soreness after injection, which is common.
- Cold Sores: If you are having injections of the lips and have a history of cold sores, you may need to take antiviral medication to prevent an outbreak. A prescription can be obtained from our office. It is recommended this be started 24 hours prior to treatment. Please make your provider aware at the time of consult.
- Palpable Filler: You may be able to feel the product that was placed under your skin. This is normal and no treatment is necessary.
- Lumps/Bumps/Skin Irregularities: Distinct lumps are uncommon. If you have a concern for any perceived irregularities, please call our office to discuss. This will often not be addressed until 2 weeks post injection and bruising and swelling can mimic lumpiness.
- Lips: After having your lips filled avoid hot foods for 24 hours. Avoid any pressure on the lips (ie. kissing) until they have fully healed. Everyone has asymmetry at baseline. Although we attempt to create symmetry during the Lip Filler procedure, the act of piercing the lips with a needle creates trauma and swelling, ontop of existing asymmetry. Additionally, bruising can occur which displaces volume that will not be there once the Lip Filler swelling and bruising resolves. The final results may therefor appear asymmetrical due to these factors. We cannot predict how the lips will swell, bruise or heal.
- Tear Troughs: Results may vary. Please allow a full 4 weeks for your final results. Within the 4 weeks, there may be flucuations of swelling that can be caused from sleeping on your side and eating salty foods.
*No dental procedures including dental cleaning 2 weeks before or after Filler procedure*
*Do not book a Filler procedure within 2 weeks of any important events*
*No flying for 72 hours post filler procedure*
If you notice any blanching/paleness or gray colored skin, a dramatic increase in pain, or new skin lesions in the area treated, please contact the office by text with photos of your area of concern, or by email after hours at